Awakening To Grace

Ignite your heart with curiosity;
There’s more to life than meets the eye.
Beyond the surface of what we see
Is the living truth that can never die.

In a society that tries to fit in,
Have the courage to stand apart.
Don’t follow the noisy crowd;
Follow your silent heart.

Retreat from the hustle and bustle;
Relax, there’s no need to hurry.
Find the effortless flow of life;
Let go of all your worry.

Feel the rhythm of Mother Nature;
In your heart, she sings
A song of love and freedom,
In harmony with all she brings.

Planted in the soil’s darkness,
Keep reaching for the light.
Gracefully rise above challenges,
And grow up to new height.

Embrace the unknown;
Guided by grace in one direction.
In your solitude alone,
Feel the divine connection.

Taste the sweetness of surrender
To this moment, humbly bow,
With grace flowing through existence,
You are here; you are now.

Life is a miracle;
The present is the perfect place.
Nothing happens by chance;
Everything happens by grace.


Awakening to Grace is a beautiful journey of self-discovery. Through vivid imagery and gentle reminders, the poem invites readers to explore the depths of their existence beyond societal expectations and the noise of daily life. It encourages an awakening of the heart, emphasizing curiosity and the importance of listening to one’s inner voice.

The poem beautifully transitions from acknowledging the chaos of the world to embracing the serenity found in nature and solitude. It highlights that growth often emerges from challenges and emphasizes the beauty of surrendering to the present moment. The closing lines serve as a powerful reminder that life is filled with miracles and grace, urging us to embrace the journey and connect with our authentic self.

“Awakening to Grace” is an invitation to follow our unique path, find our rhythm, and live a life of grace.

Heart Harmony

Listen to your heart,
Attune to the divine rhythm.

Feel the fullness of love,
Flowing through each breath you take.

Sing from your silent heart,
Echoing through eternity.

Smile and shine,
Radiating the light within.

Dance to the beat of your heart,
Where love takes the lead.

Taste the sweetness of surrender,
As you melt into the present moment.

Honour your humanity,
For it is Divinity.

Smell the perfume of peace,
Wafting in the wind of stillness.

See the symphony of synchronicity,
Connecting everything in essence.

Feel nurtured by nature,
Exploring the wilderness within.

Embrace your authenticity,
Expressing yourself effortlessly.

Be guided by grace,
Flowing like a river to the ocean.

See the beauty of unity,
The formless fabric weaving all forms.

Live in harmony with the whole,
One with the sacred song of life.


Heart Harmony is a beautiful journey toward inner peace and divine connection. The poem invites us to listen deeply, not just with our ears, but with our hearts, attuning to a rhythm that transcends the ordinary. It speaks of love as a living power, flowing through each breath, guiding us to move in harmony with the universe.

The poem is a celebration of love; to surrender to the present moment, to the sweetness of life, and to the divine grace that flows through us like a river. It emphasizes the importance of honouring our humanity, recognizing it as divinity, and embracing our authenticity as an effortless expression of who we truly are.

This work of heart captures the essence of living in tune with the natural world, encouraging us to explore the wilderness within and to feel nurtured by nature’s embrace. The imagery of peace as a perfume wafting in the wind, and synchronicity as a symphony connecting all things, reminds us of the deep interconnection that underlies all existence.

Ultimately, this powerful poem is a call to live in unity with the whole, to see beyond the forms and appreciate the formless fabric that weaves everything together. It is an invitation to dance to the beat of our heart, where love takes the lead, guiding us toward a life of harmony, grace, and sacred union.

Fire of Truth

A fire in the heart is ignited,
Passion burns; the soul is excited.

Nurture the inner flame of desire,
The breathing spirit you inspire.

Amidst swirling confusion and smoldering smoke,
The fire-breathing dragon within suddenly awoke.

Surrounded by shadows, deep in the dark,
Courage crackling in the face of fear, lighting a spark.

In the heat of honesty, all lies are burned,
Leaving only Truth for the heart that has yearned.

Illuminating the darkness, a light divine,
Burning through illusions, leaving no sign.

Mesmerized by an enchanting golden flame,
Transformed by Truth; nothing is the same.

In the fire’s warm presence, a deep love is felt;
Glowing hot embers, the mind starts to melt.

The last log, give it everything you’ve got;
The fire of Truth will burn everything you’re not.


Fire of Truth masterfully intertwines themes of passion, courage, and transformation through vivid imagery and a compelling narrative. The poem begins with the ignition of a fire in the heart, symbolizing the awakening of desire and the excitement of the soul. This initial spark starts the journey of self-discovery, encouraging readers to nurture their inner flames and embrace their authentic self. The introduction of the fire-breathing dragon amidst confusion and smoke effectively captures the struggle between clarity and confusion illustrating the powerful nature of inner awakening.

As the poem unfolds, the imagery of shadows and darkness highlights the challenges of confronting one’s truth. The line about courage crackling like a spark emphasizes the resilience needed to face these challenges head-on. The transformation that occurs in the heat of honesty is depicted as a cleansing process, where lies are burned away, leaving only the pure essence of truth for those who seek it. This exploration of vulnerability and strength resonates deeply, inviting readers to reflect on their own journeys of self-discovery.

The poem concludes with a strong call to action, urging the reader to give their all in the pursuit of truth and authenticity. The metaphor of the fire burning away what one is not reinforces the idea that true freedom lies in embracing one’s genuine self. Overall, “Fire of Truth” is a heartfelt poem that encourages introspection, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of one’s inner light.

The Naked Now

Clothed in concepts,
She is hidden in plain sight.

Only innocent eyes,
See her natural beauty.

A precious presence,
Full of aliveness and awe.

In this magical moment,
She both conceals and reveals.

A divine dance,
She flows effortlessly with ease.

In the silent stillness,
She whispers without words.

The sweetness of surrender,
Brings you gently to your knees.

A bride behind the veil,
Her hidden secret shimmers with delight.

Her warm welcome,
Invites you intimately in her open heart.

Her fragrance of freedom,
Dancing gracefully in the air.

Like the sun breaking through clouds, 
She emerges, bright and clear.

Under layers of labels,
Lies her indescribable nature.

Her exposed essence,
Radiates the beauty of being.

An ocean of emotion,
She moves like rhythmic waves.

Her timeless tender touch,
Melts your heart into eternity.

Stripped of illusions,
She’s transformed by the vision of grace.

The Naked Now,
Undressed by Truth, only love remains.


In The Naked Now, you embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and unveiling. Through vivid imagery and lyrical language, the poem explores the layers that often obscure our true self, inviting readers to peel back the concepts and labels of the mind. The repetition of phrases emphasizing sight, presence, and essence creates a sense of awakening, suggesting that only through innocence and openness can we truly perceive beauty in ourself and others.

The metaphor of a bride behind a veil symbolizes both mystery and revelation, underscoring the delicate balance between concealment and exposure. Each stanza serves as a gentle reminder to embrace vulnerability and surrender, as the sweetness of these experiences brings us closer to our authentic self. The poem’s culmination—”Undressed by Truth, only love remains”—echoes the idea that, beneath all facades, love is the essence that binds us, uniting us in our shared humanity.

Ultimately, “The Naked Now” is a celebration of liberation and the beauty found in authenticity. It encourages readers to dance gracefully in the air of their own existence, embracing the present moment and the inherent truth that lies beneath the layers of life.